Friday, December 3, 2010

The Gift of the Present

It was really tough for me to get to my yoga class today and my students had no idea. Two of my children had bronchitis this week and I was feeling drained and had a scratchy throat myself. I got up, made everyone breakfast, dropped the kids off at school, and my little Scout (three year old son) and I were on our way to yoga all before 7:40. Did I mention it was a struggle today?

It is a 30 minute drive to where I teach so I turned on the radio and tried to get in the yoga teacher mood. Thankfully a mellow Pink Floyd song came on and I was humming along. A wonderful memory actually popped up of my dad and me, front row at a Pink Floyd concert in the 90's. What a bonding experience that was - talk about living in the moment!

After dropping Scout off at Kids Klub, I made it into the cold studio with two men already on their mats. One of the guys uses his daughter's purple mat and that made me smile. The other man came back from his first class with me last week. I love it when first timers come back!

I had a nice group of 12 - mostly regulars and some new. I explained I my throat was a little scratchy but we were going to really enjoy this hour. I began class with them lying on their backs with knees up and breathing. I read a favorite bit out of Yeah Dave's Guide to Livin the Moment book.
He writes,
Living in the moment doesn't involve any crazy stretches, far-fetched formulas, or life-changing diets. it doesn't require you to give away your possessions, commit to wearing loin-cloths, or memorize sacred texts.... "Livin' the Moment" simply suggests redefining the things you love most (e.g., a taste of chocolate, a sip of wine, a great tune) as gateways to the power and beauty of being present.

It ended up being a great class. A student came up to me at the end thanking me, saying she needed the class so much today and she really focused on being in the moment on the mat.  The "new" men told me they already felt younger after two classes, and I floated out feeling refreshed myself. Sometimes the best experiences happen when we least expect them. It's being open to living in the moment and making it count that matters most.
Shine your light,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks ... something about you inspires and calms me ... your art work, your food work ... your body work ... it just all JELLS ... like jellO ... if you had video on You Tube ... I too could K2Yogo with ya or at least start!
